
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oceans in Peril Part I

Our oceans are not an infinite resource. Species that were once abundant are now being overfished past the point of return. Catch sizes have decreased and growth rate is dangerously low. The problem is a lack of moderation. We are taking too many too quickly and the fish that are there are not growing big enough to reproduce. Bluefin tuna, once grew to enormous sizes and are now being caught and sold at sizes that are a mere fraction of what they once were. If we are to make a difference and ensure the future progress of our oceans, then we must think of the long run. We should not take as much as we can get just because it is there...because it may not be there tomorrow. Harmful fishing practices, such as longlining and bottom trawling do more damage than good. Many animals become victims of a free lunch and get caught up in trawl nets just to be tossed overboard dead and dying...and just because other animals get to eat them as they rain over the side doesn't mean it's ok.
It is still a waste. We are responsible for the longevity and abundance of all creatures...not just ourselves. Our reasoning should include not only sustenance for ourselves but their right to inhabit this planet just as much as ours. Please write to your congressmen and support organizations that are trying to help. Thankfully, it is becoming more important these days to recognize the problem, but we still need to act. Please do not buy or eat seafood that is not sustainably caught and ask questions. Find out where your seafood comes from before purchasing. People in other countries may have less options when it comes to their diet, but here we have plenty and we have the resources to make informed decisions...so let's do it!


  • At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If I write my congressmen and women are there any points in particular that I should bring up?



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