
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Meeting Recap (4/23/07)

Hey everyone! Today's meeting went well. We will be having our movie night next Tues. at 6pm in either GEO or ESB...I should find out Tues. (today). Anyway, we will be showing one of the Planet Earth series and serving snacks as well. One other major piece of news is that a few officer positions are open for the coming semester, they are as follows:

Outreach Coordinator: This position will be responsible for gathering info. on our upcoming research ideas and developing communication with the outreach sponsors (i.e. schools, rescue centers, research, etc...) This is a very important position and one which can be very rewarding in terms of experience.

Volunteer Coordinator: We will still be doing one volunteer activity per month and this person is responsible for bringing ideas to the group and then arranging everything once the decision is made...(i.e. if we decide to do a canoe cleanup, this person must contact the Cleanup people and arrange for us to have supplies and all appropriate materials ready for when we show up).

Social Coordinator: We should still be getting together at least once a month as a group and hanging out, getting to know each other better. This person is responsible for coming up with easy, good ideas on getting together as a group, (i.e. BBQ's, pool parties, bowling, brunch, tubing, etc...)

All of these positions need to be filled. It is too much to take on two roles in the group and these positions are easy and rewarding. I feel the format of next year will be better and will allow us to focus our energies on the most important issue at that time. Please email me if you are interested in any of the above stated positions: oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu

Thanks!! Check back here for movie night details and location!



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