
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Meeting Recap (4/23/07)

Hey everyone! Today's meeting went well. We will be having our movie night next Tues. at 6pm in either GEO or ESB...I should find out Tues. (today). Anyway, we will be showing one of the Planet Earth series and serving snacks as well. One other major piece of news is that a few officer positions are open for the coming semester, they are as follows:

Outreach Coordinator: This position will be responsible for gathering info. on our upcoming research ideas and developing communication with the outreach sponsors (i.e. schools, rescue centers, research, etc...) This is a very important position and one which can be very rewarding in terms of experience.

Volunteer Coordinator: We will still be doing one volunteer activity per month and this person is responsible for bringing ideas to the group and then arranging everything once the decision is made...(i.e. if we decide to do a canoe cleanup, this person must contact the Cleanup people and arrange for us to have supplies and all appropriate materials ready for when we show up).

Social Coordinator: We should still be getting together at least once a month as a group and hanging out, getting to know each other better. This person is responsible for coming up with easy, good ideas on getting together as a group, (i.e. BBQ's, pool parties, bowling, brunch, tubing, etc...)

All of these positions need to be filled. It is too much to take on two roles in the group and these positions are easy and rewarding. I feel the format of next year will be better and will allow us to focus our energies on the most important issue at that time. Please email me if you are interested in any of the above stated positions: oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu

Thanks!! Check back here for movie night details and location!


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Meeting Info for 4/23/07

Hello S.A.F.E.Oceans!! We will be having a meeting today to discuss advertising for our movie night and also officer positions for next semester. Meet at the time and location listed below...hope to see you all there!


When: Monday, March 5th
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Where: TX Union Rm 3.116

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oceans in Peril Part I

Our oceans are not an infinite resource. Species that were once abundant are now being overfished past the point of return. Catch sizes have decreased and growth rate is dangerously low. The problem is a lack of moderation. We are taking too many too quickly and the fish that are there are not growing big enough to reproduce. Bluefin tuna, once grew to enormous sizes and are now being caught and sold at sizes that are a mere fraction of what they once were. If we are to make a difference and ensure the future progress of our oceans, then we must think of the long run. We should not take as much as we can get just because it is there...because it may not be there tomorrow. Harmful fishing practices, such as longlining and bottom trawling do more damage than good. Many animals become victims of a free lunch and get caught up in trawl nets just to be tossed overboard dead and dying...and just because other animals get to eat them as they rain over the side doesn't mean it's ok.
It is still a waste. We are responsible for the longevity and abundance of all creatures...not just ourselves. Our reasoning should include not only sustenance for ourselves but their right to inhabit this planet just as much as ours. Please write to your congressmen and support organizations that are trying to help. Thankfully, it is becoming more important these days to recognize the problem, but we still need to act. Please do not buy or eat seafood that is not sustainably caught and ask questions. Find out where your seafood comes from before purchasing. People in other countries may have less options when it comes to their diet, but here we have plenty and we have the resources to make informed decisions...so let's do it!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Meeting Today @the PCL 5th floor

Hey there, We will be meeting again today to wrap up our project stuff for the Earth Day event tomorrow. We will be meeting at 5pm at the PCL 5th floor. Call me if you have any questions...408-644-6702. See ya there!


Monday, April 16, 2007

Meeting 4/16/07

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you guys know, we will be meeting in the Union Rm. 4.224...Asian Culture room at 6pm to work on our projects for Earth Day. I brought Planet Earth stuff for us to watch during so it should be pretty cool. Ok, see you there.


Meeting: 6pm in Rm 4.224 in the Union

Monday, April 09, 2007

Recap of meeting from 4/9/07

Hey everyone, I just wanted to recap what we talked about today in our meeting. First of all, we addressed our projects for Earth Day...We will be set up a the West Mall on April 18th throughout the day...shifts can be discussed later. We decided to showcase 3 different issues...we will have info. on bottom trawling, overfishing and pollution. It is up to everyone to pick an issue they want to work on and collaborate via the website how they want to present that issue. I will send out a final email Friday asking for final ideas for projects and we will meet next Monday to work on and complete our projects...please bring supplies and ideas. You will be reimbursed for any supplies you buy yourself...if you want, tell me what you need first and I can probably pick it up.
We next discussed our movie night...I will be booking the room tomorrow and we will start advertising for it and will discuss final details next Monday...expect it to be held on the last Monday of the month during our normal meeting time...might run over. Also, we discussed our field trip...looks like it will be held on Sat. May 5th and we will return early Sun. by 1pm. Finals start on the 9th...so be sure that this will not interfere with your studies. This is the only time we have to go, I will doublecheck with Ken this week to make sure that date is still good. I also mentioned to everyone that Dr. Carl Safina will be presenting a talk on campus on Fri. Apr. 27th @7pm in Wel. 2.224. Dr. Safina is a highly respected and well known marine conservationist...http://blueocean.org I understand there is a lot going on that evening; however, I highly recommend you see him if you have the chance...it is a rare treat to meet someone with his insight into marine issues. Also check out the UT site on him for details on the talk "Hot Science:Cool Talks":
That is about it...please comment on the site this week to let everyone know your ideas for the projects and we will meet next Monday...I am also showing an episode of Planet Earth while we work on our projects next week! :) Take care and I will see you guys later.~AMI

Meeting Today 04/09/07

Hey everyone we will be meeting today in the Asian Culture Room in the Union (4.224) at 6:00pm. See you there!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Earth Day and S.A.F.E.Oceans

Hey Everyone, Earth Day is coming up in two weeks and S.A.F.E.Oceans needs to put on something at the West Mall on Apr. 19th. I hope to be able to have a booth out there with our mural and tons of literature to hand out. Also, I want to create a huge poster that talks about the dangers of overfishing and offers good choices for seafood. I am excited about our next meeting. We have a lot to discuss, there is also a speaker coming to UT that I want to tell you guys about. It's definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity. Check out this video podcast from the Save Our Seas Foundation...I will post details on room time and location this weekend. Hope to see you all on Monday!!