
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

S.A.F.E.Oceans Outreach and Info for November

Hello everyone, sorry it has taken me a bit to update the site. During our last meeting we decided on our outreach activity for November. We will be launching a campaign to pressure Wal-Mart to take responsibility for the Japanese company, Seiyu. Wal-Mart owns around 37% stock in this company which promotes the sale and slaughter of dolphins, porpoises and whales. We want to tell Wal-Mart that we will not support them as long as they support Seiyu. We will be signing petitions and urging others to sign as well. We will be tabling at the west mall for the next two weeks, getting the word out and plan on having a lot of information for the public. As far as our volunteer activities go for the month. We will be conducting a beach cleanup in Port Aransas when we go to UTMSI. Since this is a holiday month, we will focus more of our time doing outreach and will not be able to do a volunteer event here; however, we are still doing quite a bit this month with the field trip and beach cleanup. More information on Wal-Mart's role in dolphin kills can be found at the links below:


The links above should provide enough info to get started. We will be starting on outreach next week. Email me if you have any questions: oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu

Other than that, take care!


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