
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Canoe/BBQ thanks!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped out with our canoe cleanup and BBQ! It was a great success and good turnout as well. We had 15 people show up and collected appx. that many bags of trash as well...not counting the

odd pieces here and there. We had a lot of fun and I anticipate future events to be even better. Our next big trip will hopefully be a day trip to Port Aransas to conduct a beach cleanup and maybe get a tour of the Animal Rehabilitation Keep. That project is in the works and I will let everyone know details as it gets worked out.

We will have our next meeting on Monday, Mar. 5 and will be discussing many projects. I will be tabling this Thursday from around 1-3:45 at the West Mall...feel free to stop by if you want. We also need to start working on our idea for 40 acres fest! Once again, thanks to everyone and I will see everyone next week. Have a great week. Details for the next meeting are listed below. Take care! ~AMI

When: Monday, March 5th
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Where: TX Union Rm 3.116

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Upcoming Events and Info

Hello everyone. We have made a couple of changes to our event this week. We will still be meeting at the bus circle; however, we will be doing the canoe cleanup instead and having a BBQ/play day at Zilker Park. It sounded like it was going to work out better that way. Also if anyone is interested in starting an IM Soccer team, please email Ren Pastana @dvillesokkerdude@mail.utexas.edu. We will be tabling this week and available times are Wed. from 2-5pm and Thurs. from 1-5pm. The materials will be located at SER 201 and my cell number is 408-644-6702. If you like to set up at the West Mall, let me know. If the tabling doesn't work out so well, we will try for alternatives as far as outreach. Ren suggested one time that we start a facebook group for our group which sounds like a good idea. As far as the t-shirts go. I will be working on the design or final look in the next coming weeks and will present ideas at our next meeting. Also, one of Freshman Interest Groups is looking for some people to come and talk about our group on Tues. Feb. 27th from 1-2pm. I am definitely going to go, if anyone else wants to, please let me know...oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu
Ok, I think that about covers it, if I've missed anything, let me know. So as far as the volunteer/social event goes, the final info is listed below:

When: Sun. Feb. 25
Time: 9:00am
Where: In front of the fountain at the bus circle. (23rd & San Jacinto).

From there, we will carpool over to Zilker and clean the lake and have a BBQ.

Please R.S.V.P. by commenting on this post with your name so we know how many to book.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Meeting Info for 2/19/07

Hello S.A.F.E.Oceans! Sorry it takes so long to update the site, the weekends are the only time I have to even think about this stuff. Topics for tomorrow's meeting will include finalizing details for the volunteer and social events. We will also discuss tabling and outreach efforts for this week. T-shirts and possible fundraisers are also on the agenda. We will not have a meeting next week because it will be directly after our event and we usually skip that meeting if possible. I am still working on details for the big movie night. I might have to ask some people for help because my time is spread so thin these days. We will also get votes on the people that want to play IM soccer. A lot of you sounded interested in that and Ren needs to know pretty soon. So try to make it tomorrow and feel free to bring any ideas or comments as usual. Meeting place and time listed below:

When: Monday, Feb. 12th
Time: 6-7:00pm
Where: The Union Rm. 3.116 TX Governors Rm

See you there!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Meeting Info for 2/12/07

Hey S.A.F.E.Oceans! Today, we will be constructing our sign that we will be using for our outreach issue. We have markers and posterboard and will be finishing up the sign by the end of the meeting. We will also be discussing options for making our t-shirts and also the movie night that we are trying to organize. We might wan't to hold off on the logo and just try to think of something to put on the t-shirts for now. There are also some volunteer opportunities coming up that have requested our participation. Also, I wan't to get ideas for Earth Day. We will also be discussing a tabling schedule to see if anyone is available to help out with this. Meeting time and place is listed below:

When: Monday, Feb. 12th
Time: 6-7:00pm
Where: The Union Rm. 3.116 TX Governors Rm

Friday, February 02, 2007

Next Meeting

Hey there, I hope everyone had a somewhat stress-free week. I can definitely say that this is one of my busiest semesters. Anyway, hope your weekends go well. Kandice, Robby and myself will be presenting the group with our ideas for February's issue. We will present our ideas to you guys and then will vote on which ones we want to do and how we want to carry out our outreach. If you have any ideas, please bring them up at the next meeting. I also got an email from my friend at the Ocean Conservancy the other day and he mentioned us hosting a lecture for someone who has written a book on marine conservation. I will talk more about it at the meeting. Also, there are a lot of events coming up. I absolutely want our group involved in something for Earth Day...we need a really innovative idea...we'll have to brainstorm. That's about it for now. Please take note below. Our meeting place is different this week. We will most likely alternate locations throughout the semester.

So next meeting is as follows:

When: Monday, February 5th
Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm...or earlier
Where: Texas Union Rm: 4.224 Asian Culture Room

I will see everyone next Monday, feel free to tell your friends about the group, the more the better! Take care.