
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Monday, October 30, 2006

S.A.F.E.Oceans Meeting News 10/30/06

Hello everyone, hope you all had a great Halloween weekend. I want to thank those who helped out with the canoe cleanup. Next time, we will most likely aim for a later
time :) Overall, it went well. Today's meeting will be cancelled due to needing more time for event research. Next Monday, we will be discussing and voting on outreach and volunteer options for the month of November. Also, if anyone would like to volunteer to help out with the outreach coordinator position, please email me: oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu
I am also talking to Ken about setting up a trip to UTMSI on November 18, so we will be discussing that as well. Take care and let me know if you have any questions or ideas before next Monday.~AMI

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Zilker Park Canoe Rentals: This is where we will be meeting on Sunday 10/29 for our cleanup. Posted by Picasa

S.A.F.E.Oceans Event Update!!

Hello everyone...our meeting this past Monday went well and we decided on the logistics of Sunday's event. We will be meeting this Sunday(10/29) at the Zilker Park canoe rentals at 9:00am. We will conduct the cleanup from 9-12:00pm and then head over to Chuy's for lunch. I have already spoken to Keep Austin Beautiful and they are supplying us with all the necessary materials we need for the cleanup. The weather is actually supposed to be clear and sunny that day too, so we are in luck and should not freeze on the water :) We also discussed ideas for upcoming projects such as getting our own t-shirts made, as well as stickers, calendars, etc... We also discussed making t-shirts to sell or hand out advertising our group and an outreach issue. I think hte next thing we need to do is design a flyer about our organization that we can hand out or post up somewhere. I had a number of people come up to me last week asking if we had a flyer. So we can discuss that at our next Monday meeting. Attention officers: please have your outreach, volunteer and social ideas ready for the next meeting (10/30). We will be hearing them and hopefully deciding that day as well. Other than that, I think that is it.

Volunteer Event:

When: Sunday 10/29
Time: 9am-12:00pm
Where: Zilker Park Canoe Rentals

All Future Organization Meetings

When: Mondays
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Where: The Union---Rm. 4.118

In the meantime, feel free to check out this article on the state of coral reefs: http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/10/25/coral.threat.ap/index.html

Take care!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Meeting Room change!

Hello, I hope everyone had a great week. Today we will be meeting at our normal time, 6:00pm. I have changed the meeting place from the turtle pond to the Union-Rm. 4.118. This is also called the Board of Directors Room. Just look for the room number, it's easier. Today we will be finalizing details for our volunteer event next Sunday as well as lunch afterwards. I also have some other volunteer news to run by members to see if you guys are interested. I would like to say that I think we've had a pretty good first month and I am excited to to hear what you guys think as well, so today will definitely involve feedback from you all as well. I hope you can make it. Email me: oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu if you have any questions. See you there.~AMI

Thursday, October 19, 2006

"Tabling" Update!

Hi everyone, it's pretty cold and windy today, so I am going to hold off on today's "tabling" efforts and do it tomorrow instead. I will probably be out there tomorrow from 2-3:30pm. We will be having our normal meeting on Monday. I will post details about that one this weekend. We will most likely be meeting in the Union because of weather, so check the website before Monday's meeting. Take care and have a good weekend!~AMI

Monday, October 16, 2006

S.A.F.E.Oceans Outreach

This week, we will be "tabling" at the west mall to get the word out about overfishing. We will be out on Tuesday from 2-4:00pm and also Thursday from 1-4:00pm. Feel free to come by or email me if you would like to work the table during different times. Once again, I apologize for the cancellation of today's guest speaker. I know you gus were excited. Hopefully Bill can still come by when he feels better. In the meantime, I will search for others to come talk to us. Have a great night and email me if you have any questions.~AMI

Meeting Cancelled today!!

Important!! The S.A.F.E.Oceans meeting will be cancelled today because our guest speaker is sick. Sorry for the late notice; I just heard myself. Our meeting will be cancelled and we will meet up next Monday, same time, same place unless it's raining. Check the website again tonight for details on where and when we will be "tabling" this week!~AMI

Guest Speaker Bill Blome Today!!!

Hey there, hope everyone had a good weekend. Today we will be having a guest speaker instead of our regular meeting. Bill Blome from the Ocean Conservancy will be talking to us about overfishing. Bill travels all over the nation attending meetings involving NOAA, and representatives of the Marine Fisheries groups. He is very knowledgeable about this subject and cares deeply about overfishing, in particular red snapper. Our meeting will be held in the Union in room 4.118(Board of Directors room). Please send me an email: oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu to let me know you are coming so I can tell him how many to expect. I am really excited to have him come and hope you all can make it.

Union-Rm 4.118

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It's hard to imagine there being anything left! Posted by Picasa

Outreach and Volunteer Projects

Hola! Hope everyone is doing well. We have decided which projects we are going to tackle this month.

1. Outreach Project: Overfishing: We will be "tabling" at the West Mall on Fri.(10-13) from 11am-1pm and also next Mon. and Fri. from 11am-1pm as well. Please come by to help if you can and you can also let me know if you want to help out during any other times.

2. Volunteer Project: Town Lake Canoe CleanUp: We will meet on Sun.(10-29) at Zilker Park to clean up Town Lake from 9am-12:00pm. This should be free...I will make sure to go by and talk to the guy face to face this weekend just to make sure. Supplies will be provided. Make sure to bring your own sunscreen, hats, etc...
We will then be going to lunch at Chuy's and putt-putt golf afterwards to reward our hard work. I do not know if funds can be used for this, so please bring money to cover any costs. ($20) should be good.

Please RSVP by emailing me: oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu
to let me know if you will be participating in the Town Lake cleanup...we need to get estimates to let the places know that we are coming. Please respond by next Fri.(10-20).

That's about it...don't forget, we will be at the West Mall this Friday helping to get the word out! Hope to see you there. Take care!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Meeting Today

Hello Everyone, hope you guys had a great weekend! Today we are having our regular meeting at the turtle pond, 6pm. We will be discussing ways to do our outreach project which is now looking like it will be: overfishing. I will give the members who show up today another chance to make a final vote. We will also be discussing when we will be doing our volunteer project as well as our social event. We are official now so I will be wanting to start our work by next week. There are a lot of tests this week, so I understand some may not be available. Otherwise, everything is looking good. We will be receiving funding very soon and I will tell you all more about that. I would like to be able to make things expressing our interests, i.e. stickers, buttons, shirts, etc...We can talk about all those things as well. Other than that, feel free to bring up any questions, concerns or ideas...we like ideas! Also remember to bring your dues today: $10/semester. Thanks and I will see you this afternoon!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Storm drain marking is one of our volunteer options. Find out more at: http://www.cityofaustin.org/watershed/wq_stormdrain.htm Posted by Picasa

S.A.F.E.Oceans Voting

Hello Ocean Peeps! Sorry again for missing the meeting yesterday. I have been sick the past couple of days but I do have all the info. needed to get started on our first project. We need your vote on our outreach activity and also our volunteer event for this month. Descriptions of both are listed below:

Options for Outreach Activity:

1. Bottom Trawling: Bottom trawling is a practice used by shrimp fishermen that is destroying enormous amounts of marine life and their habitat as well. For every 1 lb. of shrimp gathered, up to 15 lbs. of bycatch are destroyed. Some ways of helping: Getting the word out, we could make a phamplet to hand out to inform others. We could join up with the engineering organizations and also other marine conservation organizations in the area to see who could come up with a better design/method for reducing bycatch in nets; kind of like a contest.

2. Overfishing: This is a big problem around the world and especially in the Gulf of Mexico. Red Snapper, along with other fish species (tuna, salmon, red drum, etc…) are being fished at unsustainable levels. If something isn’t done, the entire fish stock is in danger of collapsing beyond repair. It is within our control now to bring more attention to the issue and raise awareness. Some ways of helping include: tabling(handing out literature, signing petitions (we can set a petition out at the table and have people sign it if they are concerned about the issue) We can make t-shirts/buttons/stickers that advertise our position. We could handwrite letters to the people involved in reforming the bill about fishery management

Options for Volunteer Event:

1. Storm Drain Marking: This consists of volunteers going out into neighborhoods and marking storm drain inlets with tiles saying, "No Dumping, Drains to Creek"

2. Adopt a Creek CleanUp: As part of the SAFEOceans program, we are already going to adopt part of Waller Creek. If you guys want to go ahead and do our first creek cleanup this month, this would be the option to pick. Supplies will be provided and everyone will be assigned a portion of the creek to clean.

3. Town Lake Canoe CleanUp: This consists of groups of two going out in canoes to pick up trash along the sides of Town Lake. It would take roughly 4 hours and would also be free.

These need to be decided on no later than next Monday. I would prefer that we decided this week so we can actually get started next week. Please choose one option from the outreach event and one from the volunteer choices and email me your vote this week: oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu

Rob will also be giving us info on our social event at the next meeting, feel free to bring any ideas for that as well. That's it for now. Dues of $10/semester are due at the next meeting as well, October 9, 2006.

Other than that, everything is going well, let me know if you have any questions and good luck on tests this week!

Monday, October 02, 2006

S.A.F.E.Oceans Meeting Today

Hello, we will be having our meeting today at the same time and place. We will be voting on our outreach issue as well as our volunteer event. We will also hear Rob's ideas on our social event. Feel free to bring up any ideas for the group as well. We have changed the name to S.A.F.E.Oceans also because someone had registered the old name in FL. No big deal though, I still feel we get our point across and the acronym is still included.(S.A.F.E. Student Action For the Environment). Officer info is now final and listed below:

President:April Idlett:oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu
Vice President/Volunteer Coordinator:Kandice Garibay:kandice_1113@yahoo.com
Treasurer:Rennan Pastana:dvillesokkerdude@mail.utexas.edu
Outreach Coordinator:Kyla Schuehle:texasangelkvs@hotmail.com
Social Coordinator:Rob Gross:robbygross@hotmail.com

That's it for now, please check back tonight for details on our outreach/volunteer decisions.