
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Talk on Antarctic Warming this Wednesday!!

Oh, by the way, there is lecture going on this week about climate change that you guys might want to check out...here are the details. It will be held in WEL 2.224 @7pm this Wednesday!


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - 7 PM CT
Live Webcast - 1175125500

Come Ice or High Water: How Will Global Warming Affect Antarctic Ice Sheets and Sea Levels?
by Dr. David Vaughan
Glaciologist, British Antarctic Survey

What is the Lecture About?

In parts of Antarctica, rates of measured climate warming are the highest anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere – in another part, there has been a cooling. How are we to interpret such a complex pattern of climate change, and what are the implications for the future of the Last Continent?

The latest report by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, identifies the response of the great ice sheet of Antarctica and Greenland to climate change is the greatest uncertainty in projections of sea-level rise. Why, when so much other climate science seems to be converging, is there still so much uncertainty in this particular part of the puzzle?

In a wide ranging talk covering many aspects of climate change and its significance to Antarctica and the rest of the Planet, David Vaughan will try to cast some light on these issues, which may turn not to be as simple as the sound bites would lead us to believe.

(Taken from the Cambridge Society for the Application of Research)

Presenter's Biosketch
Dr. David Vaughan
Dr. David Vaughan
Dr. Vaughan is the principal investigator for British Antarctic Survey Core Program: Glacial Retreat of Antarctica and Deglaciation of the Earth System (GRADES). The opportunity to define and lead this program was won through open competition. GRADES will employ between 12 and 20 staff and focus on aspects of past and future deglaciation as drivers of change in the Earth System.

In 2006 Dr. Vaughan was made Honorary Professor in the School of the Environment and Society, University of Wales, Swansea.

No Meeting Today!

Hey S.A.F.E.Oceans!! Hope everyone had a good weekend. We will not be having our meeting today...we usually skip the last one of the month in order to prepare for the next month. We will resume our meetings next Monday and will be discussing alternative ways for the group to get the message across. I feel like this semester, we are not quite reaching our goals and I think we need to discuss what our goals should be realistically and what everyone is willing to put into the group. So enjoy your afternoon and week and I will see ya'll next week! ~AMI

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Directions to Kandice's Place

Here are the directions to Kandice's place. Take MLK East across I-35. Stay on MLK heading east...take a right at Cedar Ave. Her place is 1709 Cedar Ave. Unit B. Call me if you have any questions: 408-644-6702.

We will meet at her place Friday afternoon to work on the project. I will get there after 5pm but you guys can go earlier if you want. Call Kandice to make sure she is there: 512-552-6264.

Bus options are as follows: You can catch the #18 at Trinity and 18th and it will drop you off at MLK and Walnut...you can walk one block east from there and hit Cedar.

or you can catch the #20 at MLK and Red River and it will drop you off at Manor and Stafford.

Or you can go to www.capmetro.org and type in your address and hers and it might give you a different bus...or you could ride a bike if you have one. Ok, call me if you have any questions and don't forget to send me an email if you plan on helping out with the project or 40 acres fest. Thanks, later! ~AMI

40 Acres Fest and Field trip info!

Hey everyone, we have decided to go ahead with our project for 40 acres fest which will be held this Sat. from 9-5pm. We will be meeting at Kandice's house this Friday afternoon to work on our project. I need absolute confirmation that you will be attending this Sat. if you plan to. Please send me an email stating when you are available to help out at the booth so I can set up the times. Please note that email is the only way I will know if some of you plan on helping Sat. If I do not get enough emails from people, we will not be able to set up Sat. Ok...moving on to the field trip. It looks like our best time to go down to UTMSI for this semester will be May 5th which is a Saturday. This is another issue in which I need input. So, do you guys want to

a.) Spend Sat. May 5th at UTMSI
b.) Spend Sun. May 6th at UTMSI
c.) Spend Sat. May 5th at UTMSI, spend the night and come back Sun. morning?

So that is it for now. I will be buying the stuff for 40 Acres Fest tomorrow afternoon, so I need to know who plans on helping by 5pm tomorrow! Thanks everyone.

I will have directions for Kandice's place up here tomorrow and will send out an email letting everyone know. Have a great day. ~AMI

Sunday, March 18, 2007

S.A.F.E.Oceans Meeting (03/19/07)

Hey there everyone! Hope you guys had a great spring break. We will be having a meeting tomorrow at our normal time...location has changed. We will be finishing up our mural for the bottom trawling issue and finalizing plans for 40 acres fest and also our movie night in April. Also, UT is having a waller creek cleanup on Mar. 31. I will be discussing those details as well as our field trip to the beach. I will need to know who wants to go for sure in order to set up plans with Ken at UTMSI. Ok, so we have a lot to discuss...but hopefully it will not be too painful! I look forward to seeing everyone. Take care. ~AMI

In the meantime, feel free to check out Dr. Fuiman's research on weddell seals:


Meeting info:

When: Monday, March 19, 2007
Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm...or earlier
Where: Texas Union Rm: 4.224 Asian Culture Room

Monday, March 05, 2007

S.A.F.E.Oceans Meeting Today!

Hey there, we will have our first meeting for March today. Things may go a little differently because of how busy Feb. was. We will work out how we are going to set up our movie viewing party and maybe assign someone the task of finding a venue. We will also discuss 40 acres fest and our volunteer activity for March. We also were approached by the Natural Science Council and will be included in their brochure next fall. They also help with funding, so we may be able to get some money next semester. We basically need to organize today and get our priorities down for this month. Things have been really busy and time scarce so splitting up tasks is something we need to look into. I also want to revisit the idea of committees. These would be headed by anyone who wants to devote a section to a certain part of conservation. So, that should keep us pretty busy. Hope you all had a great weekend and I will see you at the meeting! ~AMI

When: Monday, March 5th
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Where: TX Union Rm 3.116