
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Monday, February 25, 2008

No meeting today (02/25/08)

Hi Guys,

Sorry for there being no meeting again today. I have to assess what we can actually do this month. I will be gone for two weeks and 3 weekends out of the month, so there aren't many opportunities to do things. So let me try to figure some things out and just check the website...I will keep you updated! Later ~AMI

Monday, February 18, 2008

NO S.A.F.E.Oceans Meeting Today!!!

Hey Everyone!

There will be no meeting today. We usually only have about 3 meetings per month unless there is something important to discuss. So enjoy the afternoon off and we will meet again next Monday. Take care! ~AMI

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Recap of meeting from (02/11/08)

Hey guys, here is a rundown of what we talked about on Monday. First of all, the trips to Port Aransas have been scaled back from 3 to 2. The first trip will of course be this weekend...details will be listed at the end of this post. We will no longer be trying to get research credit unless you still want it (in that case, talk to Ken Dunton personally). Also, we do not have to make a poster for undergrad research anymore which helps tremendously. Now we are just going down this weekend and once in April to get later results from the marsh. This way it will be less stressful. Second, we will be contacting other conservation orgs. in Austin to see if there is any collaborative work we can do with them. I will probably call them next week. We will be moving the canoe cleanup to a later date when the weather and the staff are more consistent...details to follow. I also mentioned trying to get Bill form Ocean Conservancy up here to talk to us during one of our meetings...I will call this week. All other events I will list below in a more orderly fashion.

1.) Feb. 16-17: Trip to Port Aransas. Everyone should meet on campus at the bus circle (San Jacinto and fountain) at 7:00am. Please try to be on time, we are under pretty strict time requirements. Staci, feel free to call me at 6:30am to make sure I am up :). Please bring overnight stuff, blankets and some $$ for food/drinks. Rental car and lodging are paid for. We will stop on the way to grab some breakfast. My phone number is (408) 644-6702 if there are any problems or questions...call me.

2.) Hot Science, Cool Talks presents "Our Energy Future" This lecture is put on by ESI and will begin at 7pm. on Fri. Feb. 22nd. See website for details. (You don't have to go to this, just letting you guys now).

3.) Job opening: San Francisco Bay Area: Studying zooplankton and marine mammal/bird interactions...sweet job. See link.

4.) Recyclemania: From now until April 5th, UT is competing in Recyclemania, so recycle everything you can!

Ok, I think that's it. Call me or email with questions. Peace out!


Monday, February 11, 2008

S.A.F.E.Oceans Meeting Today at Austin's Pizza

Hey Everyone! First of all, sorry about the cleanup. I was told once again that they would be there at 9am and unfortunately they weren't. The people at Zilker Park on Sunday said that during the winter, they kind of show up anywhere from 9am-12:00noon which doesn't help us. So anyway, I am going to reschedule the event for March when the weather and park traffic is more consistent. Moving on, we will have our normal Monday meeting today at Austin's Pizza to discuss Port A this weekend and other events. We will be meeting at the normal time, 6pm. So hope you had a good weekend and I will see you there! ~AMI

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Canoe CleanUp starts at 9:30 am

Hey Everyone! Just a quick update. The cleanup will start at 9:30am and will go to appx. 11:30am. So meet at the Zilker Park Canoe Rentals in the morning and everything else will be ready to go. Feel free to bring friends, the more we have, the better! See ya then! ~AMI

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Recap of meeting from (2/04/08)

Hey Everyone! The meeting went well, we did make some changes though. We will be moving our trip to Port Aransas to the weekend of (Feb. 16-17). We will leave no later than 3:30 on Sunday afternoon. We will be traveling out to a natural marsh and taking samples. Our goal is to set up a control site to compare later results with. Next up is the canoe cleanup, it has moved to this Sunday (02/10) at 9am in the morning. We will cleanup for about 2.5 hrs. in canoes and hopefully enjoy the weather. Check the website Friday or Saturday to make sure everything is still on. If the weather is bad or if the guy isn't there, it will be rescheduled. We will have our next meeting at Austin's Pizza (upstairs) next Monday at 6pm. See ya there! Oh, there is a really great conservation movie called Sharkwater (www.sharkwater.com) playing at the Alamo Ritz downtown. It plays today and tomorrow at 4:45pm. It was a great movie and I suggest seeing it if you have time! ~AMI


2/5-2/6: Sharkwater: Alamo Ritz downtown. Tues.-Wed. at 4:45pm

2/10: Canoe CleanUp: Zilker Park canoe rentals right down from the Barton Springs Pool...9-11:30am...free

2/16-2/17: Research/Field trip to Port Aransas. We will be leaving around 6:30 am Sat. morning...I will drive and pick people up from a central location on campus. We will leave Port A Sunday by 3:30pm. Lodging is paid for but you need to bring $$ for food and drinks and also blankets. Call me with any questions!

My Cell #: (408) 644-6702

Monday, February 04, 2008

S.A.F.E.Oceans Meeting Today!!

Hey everyone, just a quick reminder, we will be having our meeting today at 6pm at Austin's Pizza (on the drag). We can grab some food and talk about logistics for volunteer events and our outreach stuff. I also have the dates for Port A., so I need to know who is interested in coming. Ok, hope to see you guys there! ~AMI