
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Meeting Cancelled Today!! (10/29/07)

Hi Guys! Just letting everyone know that the meeting will be cancelled today. There is not much new to talk about and I thought I would give everyone a break. Just keep working on making the phone calls to restaurants for the seafood guide and we will meet back up next Monday to compare our results. Enjoy your week and I will see everyone next Monday!!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Meeting Recap and Brochure Details

Hey Everyone!! Our meeting was very productive this past Monday. We covered the following items:

1.) The next trip to Port Aransas will be November 17-18. We will be leaving no later than 6pm on Sat. (11-17) and returning at about 5-6pm on Sunday...hopefully. Please mark your calendars as this will be a big project weekend and we need to have enough people there.

2.) We are starting work on our seafood brochure. Everyone has been assigned places to call to find out about a "signature" dish that they might want to offer in our brochure. Basically, we call and tell them who we are and what we are doing. (e.g. We're from S.A.F.E.Oceans, an UT student run conservation organization. We are making a brochure about sustainable seafood and would like to feature your restaurant in our guide). Do you have an entree that would be considered "sustainable" If the head chef does not know how the food is caught; it might help to ask who their supplier is so we can call them...if they want to. We can also ask them to send an email to you with a description of the entree and possibly a picture.

3.) Our last movie night will be held Thursday, Dec. 6 at 6pm. We will start advertising very soon for this as soon as the room is confirmed.

Other than that, we have a few other things we need to discuss next Monday...till then, have a great weekend and I will see you all on Monday!!~AMI

Monday, October 22, 2007

Meeting 10/22/07

Hello S.A.F.E.Oceans!! We will be having our meeting today to discuss our current project in Port Aransas. We started it this weekend and it was a huge success, so we would like to tell you all about it. We also will be discussing possible collaboration with the Environmental Defense organization that Emily contacted. They would like to help with our seafood brochure. Kandice and I wrote down the names of places to call and we will be assigning those today. We will also be discussing possible options for recruitment and fundraising. Our biggest concern today is to give out info. for the next Port A trip and make sure that everyone has the details early on. We accomplished a lot this weekend and want to make sure that everyone is included for next time. So we will meet today in the Union, Rm. 3.116 at 6pm. See you guys there! ~AMI

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

S.A.F.E.Oceans Meeting Update

Hey Everyone!! The meeting yesterday went well. We discussed plans for the month and tabling efforts as well. We will be tabling this Friday at the West mall from 11-12:30ish. Feel free to come by if you want to help. Our movie night is tonight. We will have free pizza as well as drinks. Please excuse the room choice it is not my favorite...RAS 215 from 7pm-8pm. We are planning our Port A trip for Sunday, Oct. 21. We will be leaving very early or late Sat. evening...we will talk about that next week. Also, we are looking for ways to increase funding and one option brought up was to offer to help a professor or department with research and maybe they could donate to us. That is a work in progress. We also need to work on our brochure for local seafood choices. I think the best way to do this is to look in the phone book and call some palces that are listed under each category, that way we can narrow it down. I volunteered to call grocery stores and Mexican food, I think. There are many categories and they are well sorted in the phone book. Ok, that's about it. We will have a meeting next Monday at the same time and place! Have a good weekend! ~AMI