
This site serves as the jumping off point for the new organization S.A.F.E.Oceans which stands for Student Action For the Environment. This site will have links to marine bio related news and also to satellite schools where the organization is also initiated.

Monday, September 29, 2008

No meeting today

Sorry, there will be no meeting today.

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Meeting pushed back to 9/29/08

Hi guys,

Sorry for the change in schedule. I have 5 tests this week and an exam tonight and just will not be able to hold the meeting tonight. I have moved it to next Monday and will see everyone then. Have a great week and send me an email if you have any questions! oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome Back S.A.F.E.Oceans!!!

Hello Everyone!!! Hope you guys had a great summer. We are getting ready to start a new semester with S.A.F.E.Oceans and have many new projects to take on. We will be having our first meeting on September 22 at Austin's Pizza (on the drag) at 6pm. I will make a more formal announcement of this meeting via email and facebook. I figured we would start a couple weeks in to give everyone a chance to get used to their classes and not be so stressed out. This will also give us plenty of time to come up with ideas for the fall. Please feel free to bring your ideas and friends. We will be discussing group positions and meeting new members as well. I look forward to seeing you all there. Good luck with classes and I will see you in a couple of weeks! Feel free to send me an email as well if you have any questions: oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Thanks for another great semester!!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped out this semester. We all had really busy schedules, but we managed to get a lot done which I am really happy about. We finally got some responses for our brochure. We just launched our first issue of our newsletter, Seatopia. And we got some field research in at Port A, as well as other outings that we participated in. Great job!! I will be going to Port A a couple of times this summer to continue the work we are doing and I will keep you guys informed in case you want to go. We will have some big changes next semester and I am looking forward to handing over the reigns. Congratulations to all those who are graduating!! We have had some great times both on campus and off ;) Good luck in the future and here's to hoping we all actually become marine biologists after school!! Take care and I will be in touch throughout the summer. Call me if you guys have any desire to do stuff during the summer. 408-644-6702 Later!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Upcoming Events and Info!

Ok, we have a lot going on. Please see descriptions below for details:

1.) Trip to Port Aransas: We are leaving either Fri. night or Sat. morning (will have confirmation by tomorrow night). We will arrive at Cole Park in Corpus Christi on Sat. to help out with Earth Day "Bay Day." http://www.baysfoundation.org/edbd_main.php
We will be out there from appx. 12-5pm. We will then wake up early Sun. and set up a control site for the marsh comparison. This should not take very long and we will leave Port A no later than 2pm on Sunday. Please send me an email stating you preference on leaving (fri. night or Sat. morning): oceanadventurer@mail.utexas.edu

2.) Seafood brochure: Please have all restaurant info. ready to go at next Monday's meeting, we will be making the brochure then. If you can send them in earlier, that would be great!

3.) "Seatopia" Please send in your article of choice to me and we will get it ready to go for the newsletter. All articles welcome (can be about a certain species, issues, volunteer events, etc...) Have these ready by next Monday as well.

4.) Earth Day tabling event: We need people to work our table at the East Mall. The table will be out there from 10am-3pm. I can work from 10-12:00pm. We need people from 12-3pm. Please respond to this post saying which shift you would like to work. Remeber to sign your comment with your name or I won't know who you are. Thanks!

That's about it. Next Monday will be our last meeting of the semester before finals so we will have a lot to talk about! Hope you have a great week and let me know about the trip!


Monday, April 14, 2008

S.A.F.E.Oceans Meeting Today! (04/14/08)

Hey Everyone!! There will be a meeting today to discuss our trip this weekend and details for the brochure and newsletter! We will meet at Austin's Pizza at 6pm. Hope to see ya there!


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Recap of Meeting from (04/07/08)

Ok, here is what we talked about

1.) Seafood Brochure: Please think of some places to call this week and have the info ready for when we meet next Monday. All you have to do is pick local Austin restaurants, tell them who we are and why we are doing this. Ask if they have a dish that is sustainable ad would they like for us to feature it in our brochure. They need to send a pic. and a shirt description of the entree (including price$). Try to call 2 or 3 places by next Monday.

2.) "Seatopia" newsletter: I want the first newsletter to be pretty involved, so please think of something marine related you would like to write about and compile a short article to be put in the newsletter by next Monday. Once again, this is optional, you don't have to write this, but just know that the option is more than available.

3.) Port Aransas trip (4/19-4/20): Still waiting on final details from Ken on this. We will iron out all the details next Monday. We may be able to leave on Friday night, and will be leaving Port A by 3pm on Sunday. Final details coming!!

4.) We will be tabling for Earth Day from 10-3pm on April 22nd (East Mall). I can do it from 10-12pm, I need volunteers to try volunteer for the other hours. Send me an email if you can pick up any of those other hours!

That's about it! Think about the stuff above and see what you can get done by next Monday. I want to have the newsletter and brochure ready for Earth Day, so we have about two weeks. Ok, thanks a lot for your help and I will see you in a week.